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We have blocked love, no one can repent.
The most tiring thing in the world is to watch your heart break and stick it on by yourself.
All pain comes from choices. The so-called happiness is that there is no choice.
Like a person is the most hidden thing in the world.
Sweet words, I can't, romantic flirting, I can't, for you, only one heart.
You are the tenderness that I have been reluctant to part with in my life. You say that my eyes are deeply imprinted with tenderness.
There is no fate of separation and aging in this world, only love and unwillingness to love.
Life is a long journey. Don't waste time waiting for people who don't want to walk with you.
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.
People are sad, not because love is over, but because when everything is over, love is still there.
Women's happiness lies in: he really loves you; men's happiness lies in: she deserves your love.
If you are angry, please look in the mirror before you face your lover. Look at yourself. Do you like this face now?
Happiness is insisting on what we should insist on and giving up what we should give up.
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